Linda Ryan offers straight talk and great insights for those on a cancer journey and those supporting someone who is battling this disease. She embodies courage, patience, and determination conveying these traits in every word she utters. Her lessons moved my group, and her wisdom changed lives.
Linda is an incredibly authentic speaker, her passion engages the audience and everyone walks away from the experience with a deep appreciation of not only how she faced her challenge, but also how she turned it into an opportunity to help others and inspire an entire community.
Linda, thank you so much. After I found out my cancer came back I immediately went on the Internet trying to find something to help me. I needed a positive story to help me through this. I came across your story on the MD Anderson website. It has really helped me to know you made it.
I wondered how often you have presented…you are a pro! Even knowing the material, as you said, is still difficult for many, some are not as comfortable, relaxed, and expressive as you. You paused just enough to allow the audience to digest your words, a sign of an experienced speaker. The audience was listening intently, and you made us laugh and cry with you…very moving. Thanks for sharing.
You don’t know me but I have to tell you that you are such an inspiration to me! You have totally changed my attitude and given me the hope that I need. I have recurrent cervical cancer and at a time when I felt like my world was ending, my son found your story on the MD Anderson website and it absolutely gave me hope. Thank you so much for sharing your story and for being such an inspiration. Your foundation is doing wonderful things!
I just wanted to let you know that knowing as much about your story as I do, which isn’t a lot gives me hope on bad days. Last night was one of those really bad nights. I let my mind get away from me and I went reading through the internet about statistics etc. and they aren’t very good, but then I have a little reminder that pops in my head and I see your smiling face and know that even though you are still fighting you are still strong. Just wanted to share that with you. You inspire me.
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