Middle Of First Chemo Treatment

by | Sep 29, 2011 | Cervical cancer, First recurrence 2011, MD Anderson | 0 comments


Time To Get The Chemo Show On The Road

As I write Cisplatin is dripping into my body to kill the cancer. The day started waking up early. I woke up at 4:20 but stayed in bed until 5:45.  I was ready to go before 7. Went to see my friend “Cotton” at Starbucks, located in Kroger. Nice lady, very nice. I told her I might not be able to come tomorrow but a friend might come over to get my tea. She asked my name and told me to have my friend tell her “Linda’s tea” and she would make it the way I like. How sweet is that? I also love Starbucks’ oatmeal. So I brought both to the hotel and met Barbara downstairs for breakfast.

We were on the shuttle to MD Anderson at 7:30. Barb has been hauling the heavy backpack with the laptop and waters, books, etc. As we were getting out of the van the driver was helping Barb with the backpack. She told him it was heavy. He basically bounced it down the stairs of the van. She said, “Yikes, I hope my Tiffany glass didn’t break”. The van riders all giggled.


The Woman Who Taught Me That Beauty Can Be In The Lashes

We met with the Research Nurse and then had some time to kill. We walked a little and then found the store that sells the “Cancer Sucks” shirts. Barb bought a hat and coozie. Then to the 8th floor to have poison pumped into me. I forget what time they started but so far I have had some premeds, some for nausea and Benadryl. Then I had the Alimta and a bag of fluids and now the Cisplatin. I’ll have one more bag of fluids before they unhook me.

We laughed and smiled a lot this morning. We were friendly to those around us in our continued effort to bring happiness to Houston. Met a woman in the elevator who was bald, but wearing a cap. She was BEAUTIFUL. She still had her eyelashes. Anyway, I told her she was so pretty. And she truly was. Said it made her whole day.


Bubba And His Wife’s Testicles

The other character we met was very colorful but not nearly as pretty. We nicknamed him Bubba. Saw him in the waiting room initially. After about 4 hours into the chemo, he walked by my room and felt like chatting about cancer. He was there with his wife. She has recurring ovarian cancer. “It has come back on her skin, not on her testicles”. How did Barbara and I not bust out laughing, I don’t know. The pkg of cigarettes in his t-shirt pocket was a bit offensive. He also looked at the bags hanging on my iv pole and said “So they’re given you the red devil?  Say goodbye to your hair”. Seriously Mr. Sunshine?


Is This Really Happening?

How am I feeling? Hmm, I just had a nap. I’m tired. Feels like the Benadryl. I don’t feel any nausea or sickness. The fluids going into me hurt my hand. The nurse said that some of the things going in may irritate the veins. I have had ice packs on the iv most of the day. That seems to help. The environment isn’t really cheery. Seems sterile and hospitalish. This is a cancer center aka hospital after all. Warm blankets are great.

I can honestly say that I can’t believe I am laying in a hospital bed with an iv. It’s really a strange feeling to feel so good and healthy and be here. I really can’t believe it. But so be it, I’m here and my body is getting some help now. The fight continues.



  1. Losing Your Hair During cancer Treatment » Yo cancer - […] telling her how pretty she looked. That was when I decided that eyelashes were off-limits. I wrote about her…

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