Christmas Deadline And Plans
A Deadline For Christmas Shopping? Yesterday was such a great day. I spent the day working on and almost finishing my Christmas shopping. I think I have a few more things to get, but it's really nice having a deadline to finish. I'm aware Christmas comes on December...
Today Is A New Day
I Was Lucky Enough To Get A New Day Today is a new day. Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and those who decided a kick in the ass was an effective technique too. This morning I met some friends to run the race route. What a perfect way to get back on...
Quitting cancer?
I'm Mad At Myself For Quitting Not a good run this morning for more than one reason. First, I started later than I wanted to and things fell apart from there. After about 3.5 miles I decided I would walk for another 2 and call it a day. I totally quit and I'm mad and...
No Sleep
Oddly enough I have been awake all night. I slept from about 11 - 12:30 and that's it. I think my mind is moving too fast. My body must have had enough rest over the last week because it hasn't taken over. I do have sleeping pills to take and did earlier during chemo...
What’s The Magic Number Of Treatments?
Will 6 Be The Magic Number Of Treatments Met with the research nurse, nurse practitioner, and a different doctor this morning. They would not commit to 6 treatments. They actually made me feel like more than 6 are in my future which upsets me but I'll deal with it....
Exciting Race News
I'm awake early as usual. I'm not nervous about today. Getting here yesterday was probably the best thing for me. I had my blood drawn and went to a few shops in the hospital. Then we went to Rice Village for dinner and a little more shopping. I was ready for bed...
Leaving For Chemo Isn’t What’s Tough
It's Not The Leaving, It's the Knowing That's Difficult I'm leaving for chemo in Houston again today. It's been a hard week already. I really don't want to go is what I keep saying. But in truth, going to Houston isn't the problem. I don't want to have Friday through...
I’m Thankful, Yes Thankful, For My cancer
Thankful For More Than The Obvious This year I am thankful. Period. Everyone on Facebook is doing a month-long daily chronicle of what they are thankful for. I love seeing all of the posts but especially the ones that are beyond the obvious, family, friends, etc....
How Are You To A cancer Patient Is A Loaded Question
It Takes A While To Feel "Normal" After Chemo I am back to feeling completely normal. It clearly takes seven days for me to get over the effects of chemo. By Wednesday of the following week I walk my 2 miles at 5 am and then the day starts to come together. My brain...
Scan Days Are Tough, Physically And Mentally
Great Scan Results Arrived at MD Anderson to meet with my Dr today for the results of yesterday's scan. Great news everyone. All of the lymph nodes have shrunk. Not completely, but they are going in the right direction. I don't have the exact measurements but they are...
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