Something Cool Happened Today
I was really touched by something that happened today. My friend Sara, who also ran Disney, texted to tell me that her 15 year old daughter is participating in "Coaches vs. Cancer" basketball tournament on January 24. They are wearing special t-shirts and were asked...
Disney Half Marathon
Well, last weekend skydiving. This weekend a half marathon at Disney. Life is good. Leaving Wednesday for round 6 of chemo, not so good. It's that much closer to the end. I can do this. I don't want to, but I can. Inspiration Dinner Friday night was the...
Normal Is A Lie
Why Saying Normal Is Lying I have been lying to everyone. Including myself. When the Thursday after chemo comes and I say "I'm back to normal" it's not true. I guess it's simply that physically I feel back to normal. However, normal would be cancer-free. Each day I am...
Race numbers!
Yesterday we had 28 new runner/walkers register for the race! What a great day it was for ME STRONG. Let's keep up the momentum. If you are planning on walking or running and haven't registered yet, please do so ASAP. Tell your friends and family too. Wouldn't it be...
I Should Have Considered The Ride Back! What a great day today was! More on the highlight of skydiving in a minute. First, we stayed at the condo last night and this morning I rode my bike around New Smyrna. I started on the beach for about 6 miles. It was perfect....
Tumor Shrinkage Percentage
I just got an email from my favorite research nurse, Debbie in response to my question about tumor shrinkage percentage. She was going to have the radiologist give her the details. The report from the radiologist reads: There is no measurable disease. There is a small...
So Many Germs
Because today is Thursday and I feel good, I forgot that I have to be careful of germs. I went to Pilates today then had my blood drawn, took the boys to the bank, had lunch, and was out and about. Then I went to Target, met Sean and the boys for dinner, and then to a...
More Focus Maybe?
It's Thursday! I made it. Thursday is the day I feel more normal. I still can't type as fast as normal and still have some minimal focus issues but I feel like I'm back. Yesterday I was able to read quite a bit which surprised me. I don't remember ever being able to...
Update On The Tumors
Tumor Shrinkage! Sorry I haven't updated since seeing the Dr. The tumors are still shrinking! I don't have a percentage yet, but it looks like some have been resolved and others continue to shrink. I'm happy and not surprised by this news. I want them to keep going in...
Low White Blood Cell Count
Low White Blood Cells Means No Christmas Program All dressed and ready to go to Ethan's Christmas program. I dropped the boys at the door and went to park the car. As I was walking onto the campus, my favorite Research Nurse, Debbie called. She was calling to say that...
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