One Week
I recently wrote about the reminder calls I get a week before my appointments start at MD Anderson. Tonight those calls will start. I'm very anxious about going next week. Part of me wishes I was going tomorrow and part is OK waiting until next week. I have a strong...
Some Days Are Tougher Than Others
As I've mentioned in other posts, I often get upset getting ready to go to Houston. Yesterday was no exception. It was worse than normal. I cried a lot. The anxiety of getting here and knowing what is ahead of me was tough. I know I sound like a broke record about...
Austin Half Marathon
Barbara and I went to Austin Tx and ran the Livestrong Austin Half Marathon over the weekend. It was a great experience. I had no idea there were so many hills in Texas. They were tough. My original plan was to run 3:2's like Disney. It's Scary To Commit To...
Reminders That I Actually Do Have cancer
During my good weeks, I sometimes forget I have cancer but there are always reminders.The past two cycles have seemed that the good weeks last longer. I feel like I have more "normal" time. However, not a day goes by that I don't think about cancer or what is...
Positive cancer Stories
The following situation has happened more than once so wanted to write about it. When I have told people I have cancer they often respond with a story about how cancer has affected them. Probably to feel connected or that they understand what I am going through....
Surviving Chemo Round 7
Ignorance Can Be Bliss This morning when I woke up I was a little overwhelmed by my feelings of not wanting to have another round of chemo. I've said it before, who really wakes up saying, "I want more chemo" so my feelings are what I imagine would be classified as...
No Dread For The Week Ahead
Not Dreading The Trip To Get Answers Even though my mind is filled with thoughts about Saturday and the race, an equal amount of my thoughts are focused on next week. Maybe for the first time in a long time, I'm not dreading going. They will tell me how many...
Mask Wearing During cancer
I am getting used to wearing a mask in public. I used to not want to wear it but understand that I need to. Why The Mask Is Not Comfortable The mask is not comfortable and it is uncomfortable. It is not comfortable because it is hot and it rides up into my eyes when I...
Sleep And Side Effects From Round 6
Sleep Is Overrated At This Point In The Cycle Sleep is something that's evasive at this point but it's just a side effect consistent with where I am after treatment. It's almost midnight and I am up typing away on the computer. I was tired and asleep at about 8...
Chemo Round 6
Today's shirt - "SEE THE WIN". I'm hoping 6 rounds is it, but there is a good chance that there could be 8. I still think it's a win. I am currently in bed getting the pre-chemo meds for chemo round 6. Right this minute is the Benadryl. I'm feeling sleepy. The nurse...
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