What I’ve Gone Through: Why I Support The HPV Vaccine
The HPV vaccine prevents several cancers, and it could have prevented mine. When I speak out in support of the HPV vaccine as a recurrent cervical cancer survivor, I find myself saying, “So others don’t have to go through what I am.” But when I heard someone else say...
My cancer Was A Battle
A few years ago, I met some women who expressed that they don't like to say that they're "battling" cancer because they want their journeys to be peaceful ones. When I met them, “peaceful” didn’t seem like to best way to describe my dealings with cancer. I showed no...
The Dramatic Reaction To Chemo
Wednesday I had my third round of chemotherapy with the goal of the chemotherapy to radio sensitize (?) the cancer to the radiation I am receiving. The chemo apparently enhances the radiation to kill the cancer cells. It seems like a different use of chemotherapy that...
Ready To Start Radiation
In an effort to be treated closer to home than Houston I went to Shands at the University of Florida (Gainesville) today to meet with a Radiation Oncologist (Dr. Yeung) and develop a plan for treatment. It was a fairly standard visit that took approximately three...
Another Recurrence
My cervix cancer has recurred...again. I can tell you that I am shocked but not surprised. I would imagine most cancer survivors live their lives thinking that they may or will have a recurrence but never knowing when. During various talks I have done I often say that...
Traveling With My Sons To MD Anderson
It's been almost four years since my cervical cancer recurrence, but my two sons, Matthew (17) and Ethan (13), never traveled with me to MD Anderson until my check-up last month. I planned my appointment over their spring break so we could fit in a few college visits...
Why I Vaccinate My Sons Against HPV
As a cervical cancer survivor, I have spent considerable time and energy trying to protect my children from cancer. I didn't want them to feel the emotional effects of my own cancer journey, and I certainly don't want them to go what I went through. When it comes to...
Choosing How To Share Your cancer Journey
When you're diagnosed with cancer, there is no right or wrong way to handle your diagnosis. Just because I acted one way doesn't mean that's the right way or the way anyone else should do it. Once we receive a cancer diagnosis, we all have to decide if this is...
How cancer Changed The Way I Use My Time
The saying about time being a precious gift has been on my mind since I recently visited with my 101- year-old grandmother. She saw me texting and wondered aloud if that was something she could do. The reason she was interested in having a smartphone was that she said...
How I Beat Cervical cancer
When I talk with others who have received a cancer diagnosis, they often want to know what my secret was. What did I do to survive cervical cancer and thyroid cancer? They are looking for a glimmer of hope. Give Your Body What It Needs People don't ask me what...
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