Leaving The Boys Is Brutal
It’s been an up and down week. Because I was leaving for Houston so early this morning the boys went home from school with their friend’s families yesterday. I was very sad to leave them. Heartbreaking. They seemed ok with everything but it was harder for me this time. I wonder if it will get more difficult each time. It might for me.
After a good nap yesterday and a few texts from the boys I felt better. Ethan sent a text and it opened with “Hey girl”. THAT made me smile. Not sure where he comes up with some of the things he says, but it sure was funny.
We Can Be Mature…In A Police Car
As many of you know ME STRONG now has a Facebook page. Things are really moving forward with the planning and implementation of the 5K in January. We had a meeting Monday night and details are being ironed out. Barbara and I rode the route in a police car. I must report that we were very mature. Stop laughing, we were. We actually rode in the Chief’s SUV. Barb sat in the front because she developed the route. The only temptation was the speed gun on the back seat. I think we could have some fun with that.
Chemo Could Damage My Hearing
I spent today at MD Anderson. It was a long day as always. I had a few errands to do around and then had to have my blood checked. I also had to have my hearing checked again. Apparently, because of the Cisplatin, I will have to have it checked every time. If after a few rounds if it’s still the same I may get to skip a round. Oh, joy. It’s actually an interesting test. The Audiologist does a few things. First, they do a test to see how my eardrum is moving to make sure there isn’t anything mechanically wrong with my ears. The test is done in a soundproof booth. The Audiologist says words and I have to repeat them. Secondly is a test that there are beeps in my ear and I have to push a button when I hear them. Similar to the tests we did in elementary school that you raise your hand when you hear a beep. That one makes me feel a little like a science rat, but it’s painless so it’s fine.
I told everyone I was going to wear a Nike shirt for chemo. That has changed and I’m sure you know what I will be wearing. Stay tuned for pictures and an update tomorrow.