Thank you for taking the time to stop by. yo cancer is a place for anyone diagnosed with cancer or has a friend or loved one who has been diagnosed. My name is Linda and I have had cancer seven, yes seven times. I’ve been through all kinds of treatments and am happy to share my journey if it could make life easier for other patients.
I created yo cancer to give others a place to land when they need to make their mind stronger during the tough times. It is important to let cancer know who is driving the bus in your life. yo cancer is also a resource for the people around the patient who need to know how to be helpful and what is not helpful. Throughout these pages, you will notice that the word “cancer” is not capitalized. That’s intentional. I don’t think cancer is worthy of ever being capitalized.
My journey started in 2002 and has been ongoing. My first recurrence of cervical cancer in 2011 was a significant part of my journey and much of what I wrote about then still rings true today. If you see a date of 2011 or 2012 on a post, please don’t discount it.
What This Space is Not
yo cancer is not a place that is heavy—it’s a place for hope and strength. cancer is not fun and it’s really tough to go through grueling treatments but knowing there is somewhere to turn for sensible information helps. yo cancer is that place.
I am not a medical professional but after seven diagnoses, I have a solid foundation, probably the walls, and roof too of what it’s like to be a patient. Advocacy is important to me and it is my goal to make you stronger while facing this life challenge.
More about my treatments and journey click here!
My Journey
Learn more about Linda’s journey with every challenge and triumph along the way.
different types of cancer killing treatments
Miles traveled for treatment—I've lost count by now but it's at least this much!
Linda VS cancer
Times I've shared my story with groups including presentations, podcasts, advisory committees
IGCS Podcast – Dr Westin and I Talk About Treating Advanced Stage Cancers
In this IGCS Advances & Updates special presentation, Linda Ryan, a metastatic recurrent cervical cancer survivor and patient research advocate shares her story and experience with clinical trials. Linda is joined by her gynecologic oncologist, Dr. Shannon Westin,...
CancerSpeak Podcast Episode – Recent Advances in Cervical cancer
In this episode, Dr. Linda Duska joins host Dr. Akinyemi Ojesina and special guest Linda Ryan, a cervical cancer survivor and patient advocate, to discuss the latest breakthroughs in cervical cancer treatment. They explore the uniqueness of the SHAPE surgical...
Patient Perspective: Mobilizing Grassroots Efforts to Eliminate Cervical cancer
As a recurrent metastatic cervical cancer survivor and patient advocate, being involved in the elimination of cervical cancer is at the forefront of where I spend my energy. It is a momentous task that we have the tools to accomplish. As a member of the SGO Cervical...
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